A Splendid Summer Setting

Our Dining Room has had a Summer Makeover today, and I am so satisfied!

The summer heat seems to dissipate by keeping the color scheme in our  home simple, so I set Blue and White as my goal for this scene.


One of my friends had given me a tote full of old Christmas ornaments, (Balls).  I spray painted them a mix of pinks, whites, and blues.  Then I sprinkled the room with them for pops of color.

I love including Silver in the mix, and Candles… LOTS of candles.


The silver pitchers with tiny succulents were Favors from my Cousin’s Wedding, so I used them for a simple table scape.




The candlesticks were snagged at my local Thrift Shop, and I spray Painted a florescent tall flower pot to match the Blues in the room.


I love this sign I had made when we moved into the Cottage.  It has lived outside on the front porch, in the front Garden, on the Hearth, and now here, on my Grandmother’s Vintage Buffet in the Dining Room.


In one of the corners sit my handmade dolls, and a friendly rabbit, waiting for a child to come and play.  I Love my seagulls, who stand at attention and give opportunity to pull more blue color into the room.

We will have good friends visit on the weekend, and I am anxious to serve a delicious meal in this clean, tidy, colorful room!



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